ok im not really understanding how i feel today. after work last night i really didn't have dinner. i had 2 tomatoes and a cucumber. plain. nothing added to it...just 2 tomatoes ( i ate like an apple) and a cucumber. while i was out letting the dogs out my neighbor handed them too me and i thought...great...dinner! so this morning i wake up feeling like i ate a cow. maybe its weather related i don't know. my legs feel so heavy today. i don't get it.
and so it begins:
7am (in the car) egg mcmuffin, hashbrown & diet coke.
i wasn't really hungry. i could have waited till i got to work.....but ok....its not that bad. lunch is going to be lite today anyway. hot pockets. woo hoo...ugh
i hate being broke.
9am (desk) coffee, water, sliceofpoundcake
ugh....10:43 and this day is dragging. im in a lot of pain today and i don't understand why. unless its going to rain and i just don't know it...i really dont' think so its bright and sunny and i haven't heard anything about rain. but man my legs are just soooo aching today. im pretty sure a lot has to do with the fact that i sit most of my day away. i really dont' like that....go figure. but thats the kind of job i have. then i go home and im on the computer and by the time im done with that i just want to lay down and go to sleep. my activity level is sooo bad. i really need to get out and do something active.
i have my hobbies but they require me to sit as well.....walking only gets me so far. i need to do something a little more funner (?) i want to get an mp3 player or an ipod or something of that nature. i think that that will help me alot to walk more. among other things. im also thinking of buying a treadmill or a bike so when i am home watching tv...i can be productive.
i think when sarah moves out im going to change her room into a workout room. set up the tv get a few machines. maybe i can get lucky and find something at a yard sale cheap. or catch a really good sale. im going to look into it. its kinda hard cuz so many of those machines have weight restrictions and i hate that. im not buying into it either.......i need to get my legs strong again or ill be cripple before im 50. (jesus i can't believe i just said that)
Noon (at my desk) today we had hot pockets. i had a chessburger one and 1/2 t/h/c and 1/2 beef and cheddar.
sarah and i wanted to try the beef one so we split them. the cheeseburger one rocks. that was good. we got cheap lunch today cuz were broke at the moment. sarahs paycheck hasn't come through yet and with me being on vacation....my check was really short. i paid bills and that was about it. so for $1.00 i can get 2 hot pockets and be full. full on a buck....can't beat that. i don't think anybody knows about this little find that i stumbled across as the label in the machine says $1.50 but when you put in the right amount i was always getting a dollar back. so i checked the price and sure enough....50 cents. sweet deal for hot pockets. so in a pinch when money is tight....at least i know all i need a dollar and ill be good to go.
1:43pm (at my desk) drinking tea with a 2 point ww snack. cinnamon sugar swirl bar. taste like a cinamon bun. pretty good.
im not really hungry but im soooo freaking bored right now. this day is dragging some megga ass and as much as im trying to get through the day without going bananas......i wanted to munch on something. now i have money and i could have went to the vending machine....but i didn't.
3 more hours of this torture.
im pretty sure i won't be eating dinner. most likely have tomatoes and cucumbers again like last night as we have plenty.
i love me some garden veggies
these people on eb@y think they are so clever.....charging 9.99 for a mp3 player and $40 to ship it. please.....give me a break.
kinda bummed i can't play bingo tonight....
2:42: 2 point snack WW Whole Grain cheddar twist. i got these in SC. they are not available here anymore...i wish they were i love these better than the other ones they have that are not whole grain.
omg im falling asleep at my desk. ive been working on this project all day long. im so tired of looking at it. what im doing is removing people off our system. they're are hundreds of them......so its like....click drop down click scroll click click remove, save......and repeat.
ive been getting up to take little walks around cuz my legs are getting so stiff. i feel like they are going to break at the knees. especially my right leg. something is just not right. i would go to a doctor but hes just gonna say lose weight. i really need to get blood work done, examined...the whole 9. i really need to get to the dentist....there is a reason you never see a big smile......i just need help.
okay so im home now. dinner looks like tomatoes again which is really fine. im not really hungry and i think that if i get in the habit of not eating so much at night and just have something small.....i will start to feel better.
enjoy the night....